Parent and Parent-Teacher Associations
All schools are required to have either a:
- Parent Association (PA)
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
These organizations:
- advocate for students and families
- update parents and families about the school
- plan and run activities for parents and families
PA/PTAs can support schools in several ways, including:
- hosting parent workshops
- organizing activities for families—both academic and social
- raising funds
- running volunteer events

All of the following are automatically members of their school’s PA/PTA:
- Parents
- Step-parents
- Legally appointed guardians
- Foster parents
- Persons in parental relation

All PA/PTAs must hold at least:
- Ten monthly general membership meetings
- Ten executive board meetings throughout the year
- Quarterly meetings with the principal

Members must receive a minimum of 10 calendar days’ notice before the monthly meeting. This notice must include:
- The date, time, place that the meeting will be held
- An agenda items that will be discussed
PA/PTA Bylaws
PA/PTA Bylaws are a set of rules adopted by members of the association. These rules govern the day-to-day affairs of the PA/PTA.
All bylaws must follow Chancellor’s Regulation A-660.

A PA/PTA is responsible for its own finances, and must obey certain rules and guidelines about banking, fundraising, and record-keeping. Any association that does fundraising must have a bank account in order to conduct transactions with vendors. Proper record keeping practices must be used by members of the executive board to give an accurate accounting of the association’s finances.
Parent Leader Times
Parent Leader Times is a quarterly newsletter for parents in leadership roles in their school, district, or in the City.

For more information about running your PA or PTA.
Presidents’ Council
Presidents’ Council is an organization of PA/PTA presidents (or designees) that represents the interests of parents within the respective district. Each community school district is required to have a Presidents’ Council. Each borough is required to have a Presidents’ Council for its high schools.

Chancellor’s Parent Advisory Council (CPAC)
CPAC is made up of Presidents’ Council presidents. CPAC meets with the Chancellor and other divisions monthly so they can share information to better support their constituents and be prepared in their advisory role to the Chancellor. CPAC members are PA/PTA members, SLT members, and DLT members. CPAC meetings are open to the public